#IdroelettricoInItalia2016 #BeltrameCse #Energia


To read the conference programme click the following link: https://www.facebook.com/beltramecseitaly/photos/pcb.1785677531703221/1785676785036629/?type=3&theater

" rows="15">

On September 20th, 2016 the worldwide leader of hydroelectric sector will meet each others in Padua at the "Centro Congressi Papa Luciani", to report and discuss the evolution of the field as well as the technology used.

We will be there to report our personal experience together with our last products dedicated to the sector! You will be the most welcome!


#IdroelettricoInItalia2016 #BeltrameCse #Energia

To read the conference programme click the following link: https://www.facebook.com/beltramecseitaly/photos/pcb.1785677531703221/1785676785036629/?type=3&theater


smrtovnica esmrtovnice esmrtovnica umrli www.idroeletricoinitalia.it


#IdroelettricoInItalia2016 #BeltrameCse #Energia

To read the conference programme click the following link: https://www.facebook.com/beltramecseitaly/photos/pcb.1785677531703221/1785676785036629/?type=3&theater

" rows="15">

On September 20th, 2016 the worldwide leader of hydroelectric sector will meet each others in Padua at the "Centro Congressi Papa Luciani", to report and discuss the evolution of the field as well as the technology used.

We will be there to report our personal experience together with our last products dedicated to the sector! You will be the most welcome!


#IdroelettricoInItalia2016 #BeltrameCse #Energia

To read the conference programme click the following link: https://www.facebook.com/beltramecseitaly/photos/pcb.1785677531703221/1785676785036629/?type=3&theater


smrtovnica esmrtovnice esmrtovnica umrli <a href="http://smrtovnica.ba" _cke_saved_href="http://smrtovnica.ba" "="">smrtovnice